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HashPimps and PAI Labs: Shaping Hedera’s Future

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In the dynamic world of Hedera Hashgraph, innovation reigns supreme, and one name stands out – HashPimps. Once again, they’ve rewritten the rules and are shaping the future of Hedera with ground-breaking developments.

The Open-Source Minting Revolution

HashPimps has introduced a game-changing localized minting app that is now open source, a move that has sent ripples throughout the Hedera community. This transformation eliminates the costs associated with token minting, making it more accessible and cost-effective for everyone in the Hedera ecosystem.

Meet Kingpin: The AI Token Creator

But HashPimps isn’t just stopping at open-source minting. Their talented team has been pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence, and their latest creation, “Kingpin,” is a testament to their prowess. Kingpin is the first-ever AI bot capable of generating HTS tokens directly from Discord. What sets it apart is its ability to independently manage HBAR payments by leveraging transaction history on Hedera. Kingpin doesn’t just mint tokens; it guides users through the process, making it a remarkably user-friendly experience.

PAI Labs: The Hub of Innovation

But the innovation doesn’t stop there. HashPimps has launched “PAI Labs,” a dedicated hub that unites their various AI tools and services under one roof. Led by the talented minds of Lee and Jake, PAI Labs is set to become a centre of creativity and excellence, laying the foundation for ground-breaking developments in the Hedera ecosystem.

Exclusive Breakthroughs Unveiled: MoonRiser and the Hive DAO

MoonRiser and the Hive DAO were pioneers in introducing groundbreaking innovations to the world. Now, it’s time to stay tuned for more exclusive updates, brought to you here first. Explore the exciting future of innovation in the world of MoonRiser and the Hive DAO as they continue to reshape the landscape

A Future of Boundless Innovation

As we witness “HashPimps and PAI Labs continuously redefine what’s possible in Hedera, it’s clear that the journey of innovation is far from over. Exciting times await, and the Hedera community eagerly anticipates what this dynamic team of builders will bring to life next.

The future of Hedera Hashgraph is being shaped by the incredible minds at HashPimps and PAI Labs, and we can’t wait to see what they create next.

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