Category: ECONOMY

  • Unlocking Deal Success with the Essential Term Sheet

    Unlocking Deal Success with the Essential Term Sheet

    The Vital Document Bridging Startups and Investors After impressively delivering your pitch, engaging potential investors, conducting pivotal meetings, and finally receiving that exhilarating “YES”, the subsequent steps need careful navigation. The process of translating that crucial verbal agreement into a formal commitment necessitates a pivotal document: The Term Sheet. The Term Sheet may be succinct,…

  • Getting back to onboarding, incubating + accelerating

    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of the global economy, including the startup ecosystem. However, as the world begins to emerge from the pandemic, it is essential to focus on supporting startup growth through onboarding, incubating, and accelerating. Onboarding Onboarding refers to the process of integrating new team members into an organization. In the…